
The Importance of Insulating Your Home This Winter

During the winter, heating costs are one of the main reasons why homeowners pay large utility bills every month. But if your roof has damage, expect that your bills are going to go higher than they already are. As explained by greenbuildingelements.com:

Air naturally flows from a warm area to a cold one. During the winter months, warm air in your home tries to escape to the cooler air outside, and during the summer months warm air outside tries to make its way inside to the cooler air in your home. Outlying rooms such as attics, basements, and garages are all places where this air change can happen the most easily. From there, the air begins to make its way into the rest of the home.

When this happens, your heating or cooling systems will need excessive energy to keep your home at a comfortable level. So if you have damage on your roofing in Wheaton IL, air can easily escape and your heating or cooling systems will need to overcompensate for it which will reflect on your bill.

Aside from this, inefficient insulation allows the formation of ice dams on your roof which could potentially lead to more complicated problems. So before winter sets in, make sure to have your roof inspected and insulated by reliable local contractors, like A+ Roofing.

We are the premier company for roof replacement in Wheaton IL that residents trust because we have always made sure to provide nothing less than quality products and superiors services in our 25 years in the industry. Aside from this, we also provide insulation services because more than any other company, we know what homeowners need.

So make sure your home stays comfortable this winter and avoid potential problems brought about by the weather. Contact us at A+ Roofing and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

(Article Excerpt from The Importance of Attic Insulation for Energy-Efficiency, Green Building Elements, n.d.)

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